Product category
- Product name
- Appearance drawing
- Chemical composition
- Complex carrier
- Features and Applications
- First MAC-3108
- Chemical composition Thiazole-free structure,efficient environmental accelerator
- Complex carrier EPDM/SBR
- Features and Applications MAC-3108 is an integrated environmental accelerators for NR, SBR, BR, EPDM, IIR, etc..It can be used alone as a primary accelerator and can also be used with small amount of TBzTD-75, ZBEC-75, ZDTP-50 to form an environmental friendly vulcanization accelerator system. No bitterness, no nitrosamine carcinogens produced during vulcanization.It may change from light yellow to gray color during storage but with no color dying.
- First EM33-75
- Chemical composition EPDM Comprehensive Accelerator
- Complex carrier EPDM
- Features and Applications EM33-75 is an exclusive comprehensive accelerator for EPDM with high vulcanization efficiency and good level of vulcanization. It can be used alone and can also be used with ZDBC, ZDEC for faster vulcanization rate. It is with no pollution and no discoloration, easy to disperse and could be used in white or light color rubber products.Commonly used in sealing products, tubes, molded products which are with EPDM carrier.
- First MAC-1489
- Chemical composition Efficient anti-yellowing accelerator
- Complex carrier EPDM
- Features and Applications With excellent anti-yellowing performance,MAC-1489 can reach up to 4.0 to 5.0 degree of anti-yellowing when all materials in formula are stable.The vulcanization rate is moderate.The wear resistance, tensile strength and tear resistance after vulcanization are comparable to those of ordinary accelerated products. No pollution, no discoloration,MAC-1489 keeps rubber products stable both in appearance and colors and has good performance in application of rubber soles.Its compound is with good anti-scorching performance and the compound can generally be preserved for 3-5 days at room temperature.MAC-1489 has overcome the problem of short scorching time for most of anti-yellowing accelerators. Mainly used in white and light color rubber soles and other rubber products.
- First MAC-2108
- Chemical composition Efficient comprehensive accelerator
- Complex carrier EPDM/SBR
- Features and Applications MAC-2108 is commonly named as #2 accelerator,which is applicable for NR, SBR, BR, IR, NBR and other comprehensive accelerators.It is with moderate vulcanization rate and good level of vulcanization.MAC-2108 could be used as a primary accelerator and can also be combined with accelerators of Thiurams, Guanidines and Aldehyde Amines for faster vulcanization speed; It could be used in both light color and dark color rubber products like rubber shoe soles, balls, rubber hoses, especially suitable for thick products and products that require longer scorching time.
- First MAC-1108
- Chemical composition Efficient comprehensive accelerator
- Complex carrier EPDM/SBR
- Features and Applications MAC-1108 is applicable for NR, SBR, BR, IR, NBR and other comprehensive accelerators.It is with fast vulcanization speed and good level of vulcanization.MAC-1108 could be used as a primary accelerator and can also be used with accelerators of Thiurams, Guanidines and Aldehyde Amines ; It could be used in light color and dark color rubber products,mainly used for rubber products such as shoe soles, balls, rubber hoses,etc.
Dongguan First Rubber & Plastic Technology Co., Ltd.

Address: Guozhou Industrial Park, Zhongtang Town, Dongguan, Guangdong, China

Tel:86-025-5622 8306
Fax:86-025-5622 8306
Address: NO. 28,Fengxiang road, hefeng town, Lishui district,Nanjing city,Jiangsu Province

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