FST CaO-90
FST CaO-90
Dehumidifying and defoaming agent
Ingredients: calcium oxide and surfactant
Appearance: white powder
Specific gravity: 2.50±0.05 g/cm3
Packing: 25kg/carton
Storage period: 6 months under cool and dry conditions
1. FST CaO-90 can absorb the moisture in the rubber compound and eliminate the appearance defects caused by the moisture in the rubber compound.
2. FST CaO-90 is suitable for atmospheric continuous vulcanization systems, such as salt bath, microwave or hot air vulcanization.
3. FST CaO-90 can improve the bubble uniformity of foamed products and reduce the defect rate.
4. FST CaO-90 is applied to various rubbers such as NR, SBR, BR, CR, EPDM, NBR, etc.
5. FST CaO-90 is more economical.
Usage: Add it at the same time as the filler.
Dosage: 3-8phr.
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Tel:86-025-5622 8306
Fax:86-025-5622 8306
Address: NO. 28,Fengxiang road, hefeng town, Lishui district,Nanjing city,Jiangsu Province
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